Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Yes, it is true, I tried it! A great holiday treat done in just 5 min.   The PUMPKIN BUTTER TRUFFLES  were fast, but these are a real breeze to make. I found this recipe in the Civilized Caveman blog on raw Paleo cooking, and I gave it a try right away, to see if it really takes 5 minutes. Ok, may be it took 10... But they really are a perfect delight and ready to bring to any party and be the health treat quin of the night- gluten free, sugar free and totally delicious! 

I changed the recipe a bit, but if you are interested in the original, here is the link: Civilized Caveman

Here it goes:  Ingredients:
              .1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
              .1/4 cup crushed pecans or almond flower 
              .1/4 cup cocoa powder
              .1/4 cup pumpkin puree
              .1-2 tablespoons xilitol(or your sweetener)
              .2 tablespoons coconut oil-melted 
              .1 teaspoon vanilla
              .pinch of salt
              .squirt of lemon


1. Combine coconut, pecans (almond flower), cocoa powder, and salt in a mixing bowl, mix well  
2.Add pumpkin puree, xylitol, coconut oil,vanilla and lemon juice, and stir until well incorporated.
3.With 2 spoons or scoops create the rounded balls and put on a plate or cookie sheet. 
4.Place in the freezer for about 20 minutes to solidify.
5. Store in the freezer or refrigerator till it's time to serve or take with you. 

Great to take to any party!...

I took it a bit further and made
 some melted chocolate to top 
them with after taking them from 
the freezer -just melted 2 squares
of unsweetened chocolate and a 
spoon of CACAO BUTTER in a 
double boiler and dripped on top 
(you can use any chocolate chips 
or chocolate of your choice). 
They can also be sprinkled
with coconut flakes.

Cacao butter 

-I recently discovered CACAO BUTTER and it has become my 
absolute favorite. You can add it to any recipe that calls for 
coconut oil or regular butter. And if you love chocolate
the cacao butter gives a chocolaty taste to anything, without 
the chocolate. When you do use make sure it is melted in a 
double boiler and careful not to burn in-- it is hard even at room 
temperature but it melts at 93 F.

-if you add 1.5 times the doze from the recipe it makes for 12 large macaroons. 


P.S. Just attaching one more image of the new batch of macaroons I made, this time sprinkled with gluten free, sugar free and diary free white chocolate. The idea came when I offered my friend a macaroon and she refused it because of the trace of milk in the chocolate frosting of my first batch. She had started a Christmas lent and was o a vegan diet. I wondered how to resemble a real white chocolate and I was so surprised when this came out and it was so good! I am going to post another post on how to make it-it consists of only 2 ingredients- cacao butter and xylitol-that is all! It really makes up for a wonderful frosting of any desert or cake, which I am going to try soon! 

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